Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Firsts


Since January 30, we have had a lot of firsts without Lydia. The first spring, summer, and fall. The first trip to the lake, the first time at the fair, and so many more.

Today is her first birthday without her. As I write this, there are tears streaming down my face. I miss her. I wish I could hug her and tell her "Happy 20th birthday!" But God had other plans for her, and for us. And they are far greater than our plans.

Today, I am thankful that God gave us 19 1/2 years with her. I am thankful that she is not suffering. I am thankful that she gets to praise our Savior in His presence. I am thankful that she does not have to experience the upheaval and chaos in the world right now. I am thankful that I had the privilege to be her big sister.

I am thankful for Lydia Faith.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Micah and Danielle

 My brother got married in June and they asked me to do some videography for them. I had never done that for anyone before, so I was really nervous. Once the wedding was over and we got back home, I had a few days before camp started for the summer, and I didn't have time to do anything with the video I had. After camp was done, I was scared of the process of putting everything together while learning a completely new program so I kept putting it off. School was about to start back up and I knew I wouldn't have time to do anything with it then, so I took the leap and just started working on it. It was a process, and there are a few things I would change if I was going to do all the editing again, but I am pretty happy with the end product. I am so thankful for the strength God gave as I worked on this. It was a challenging process, but I really enjoyed being able to do it. I am thankful Micah and Danielle trusted me with capturing their wedding day. I am so thankful for both of them and for the work God is doing in and through them.

Micah and Danielle, I love you!